Launched this year at the Indigenous Business Month launch at Melbourne Business School, the Futures Forum is an Indigenous Business Australia signature program taking place in 2019. To be held across five regional locations between March and July 2019, these events seek to design a vision for Indigenous business for the next generation.

The way we do business is changing every day. The rise of technology and the freelancer economy is creating waves to the traditional ways of working. And while this creates big opportunities for our young people with more flexibility, lower barriers and wider markets, it also creates uncertainty. This is an opportunity for you to be a part of the conversation about what the business world will look like in the future and how our connection to culture can play a big part.

Futures Forum will be an opportunity for participants to be a part of:

  • re-shaping the culture of business in a way that considers these shifts;
  • re-value our own rich and sophisticated cultural knowledge and design a first of its kind an Indigenous Business Model;
  • contribute to your future and to a growing global Indigenous movement in this crucial moment in history

The Futures Forum is specifically for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people age 18-30yrs who have experience in either:

  • running and operating a business;
  • knowledge of the commercial sector; or
  • experience in developing sustainable business models around community-led projects.

Indigenous Business Australia will cover travel, accommodation and meals for successful applicants.

Visit the website for information and application.