Hosted by UTS Business School an expert panel headed by Dr Dean Jarrett will explore how Corporates and Government Departments can transform and advance Indigenous procurement processes. Research tells us that there are in excess of 15,000 Indigenous businesses across Australian and not all are certified businesses with intermediary organisations. Furthermore, the number of Indigenous businesses is expected to grow expeditiously in coming years. If Corporate and Government Department buyers of Indigenous goods and services are to meet regulatory and social responsibilities institutional change must occur. This symposium will discuss some of the factors that underpin commercial relationships with Indigenous businesses.
Date: 10th October 2018
Time: 12:30pm – 3:30pm
Booking: RSVP by Tuesday 8th October
Venue: Dr Chau Chak Wing Building (Building 08 Level 08 Room 03) 14-28 Ultimo Road, Ultimo, Sydney
Cost: Free
Event contact: Thomas Evans,
All events are correct at the time of publication.